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O'Neil Printing Big Upload

Please use the handy form below to upload your files. If you have any questions along the way, feel free to give us a call.


Please follow the guidelines below for best practices in file preparation and start creating your most ImPRESSive project.

+ Recommended file format for all job submissions is PDF
+ Files should be created to actual trim size
+ PDF documents must be submitted in single page setup, as opposed to spreads
+ All images should be at 300 DPI
+ All files should have 1/8” bleed around all sides and include crop marks
+ Embed all fonts within the PDF
+ CMYK, Grayscale and Spot Colors are accepted
+ Please use our Export Profile guideline to convert InDesign Files to PDF
+ All InDesign files should include fonts, links and a PDF with exported package

Please feel free to download our File Prep Resource Guide should you have additional questions or need further file prep instructions.